BSLIVE Exploring Multi Plane and Glass Canvas Using Grease Pencil
Inspired by Picasso’s painting on glass and Disney’s multiplane glass canvas, I tried to simulate the similar ideas using Blender’s Grease Pencil and the idea of procedural canvas as invisible 3D glass.
Even though we have actual LAYERS in Grease Pencil, I like my canvas to be 3D and 3 dimensional.
If our multi plane invisible glass canvas is actually PLANAR, we could simply use 3D Cursor as placement. We still get ”depth” and ”parallax”.
However, if you like your canvas to be in different 3D shapes, you can use Array or Procedural SV Nodes to generate the Canvas on the fly.
I want to see this idea grow, before we eventually have actual 3D VR tool allowing use to draw and paint in 3D, in realtime.
SEE ALSO GCut Addon: