Let’s make that icing look juicy
New parts released daily
In this video you’ll learn how to use the sculpt mode of Blender. In particular the inflate, grab, mask and mesh filter brushes.
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Industry Compatible Cheat Sheet (not mine, used with permission): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dboz7fuh0f5255n5ocrdl/BlenderKeymap-IndustryCompatible_v2.pdf?rlkey=2yxe23jev9y2qmdg7txrzy8ip&dl=0
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=== Chapter Marks ===
0:00 Technical check
1:10 Shrinkwrap modifier
3:11 Why icing has varying thickness
4:06 Applying thickness
4:55 Entering Sculpt Mode
6:03 Changing brush size and strength
7:24 Adding more detail
8:41 Inflating the globules
9:30 Grab brush
11:33 Mask brush
13:15 ”Front Faces Only”
14:23 Painting the mask
15:38 Filter brush
18:00 Smooth brush
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