LIVENODING L-System Procedural Creature with ANSV Nodes
#animationnodes #sverchok #LSystem
Before watching this video, I highly recommend you to watch Jacques Lucke video tutorial serues to get started with L-System node in Animation Nodes.
In this episode, I am doing improvisational live noding on L-System node that comes with Animation Nodes addon. L-System is a very interesting subject, and Jacques Lucke has made quite easy to use one for us! The idea is to have symbolic representation of things where each things can auto-generate more symbols recursive and interatively. L-System is like magic and powerful once you get a hang of it.
On top L-System, I am also using SVerchok nodes to generate mesh that can work with Blender Mirror Modifier and Voxel Remesher to generate random shapes as a starting for my alien creature design. This is actually the part that I found interesting. Hopefully you’ll be inspired to make your own L-Tree Creature Generator. Enjoy!