#b3d / #hopsCutter / EdonGura Handheld Attempt 1
Hard Ops / Boxcutter / Decalmachine
Edon is someone I look up to and the idea of his handheld has intrigued me. I recently got to catch up with him and discuss 3d and whatnot. Check him out here! He deserves much more traffic!
He has been making these curved handhelds for a while and I finally wanted to take a crack at one in Blender. The circles on the curved handle were the ones that intrigued me.
channeling my inner @EdonGuraziu trying to make some imitation Gura tech. #b3d #hardops #boxcutter #decalmachine #gura pic.twitter.com/fYRTPqbWmv
— masterxeon1001 (@mxeon1001) June 16, 2019
Music: TOPS – 2 Shy, Seconds Erase, Petals, Way 2 Be Loved,