Horror Development Kit – v1.5 Trailer – Unity Asset
⇒ Unity Asset by John’s Art
⇘ Horror Development Kit / AAA Horror FPS Game Template ⇙
↳ Includes all the main horror features.
↳ Easy to customize with your own assets (models, animations etc.).
↳ Easy setup, and easy start: create a new scene with a single drag and drop.
↳ Includes a great and big PDF documentation.
↳ Video tutorials will come on YouTube.
➥ N.B. This video is a trailer of the upcoming update 1.5 of Horror Development Kit asset. You can buy the current version 1.4b from my Official Website for just 45 EUR and you will get for free the update.
The price will increase after the update, don’t lose the opportunity to buy it now!
The video doesn’t show the final product, so things may change. Plus, it doesn’t show all the features.
The estimated release date is June 2018.
➥ Stay updated about Horror Development Kit 1.5 development progress: http://www.johnsartdev.com/horror-development-kit-update.html
➥ Get it from the Asset Store (?): COMING SOON
➥ Get it from the Official John’s Art Shop (SPECIAL PRICE 45 EUR): http://www.johnsartdev.com/horror-development-kit.html
⇘ For more content, info or questions ⇙
↳ Website: https://goo.gl/NP1hjQ
↳ Twitter: https://goo.gl/owyxKW
↳ YouTube: https://goo.gl/nC1JBQ