An end of an era is coming, soon!
That is to say, Blender’s going to stop using the software we’re using on to develop our code, organize teams, etc.
Does this mean that we’ll stop coding? Is this the end of Blender?
Of course not! It just means we’ll be doing it with new software, in a new way that is aimed to be better, more easy for new people to pick up and will secure our needs for the coming future.
All that, and done with open source, too!
If you are a developer (or just sufficiently geeky), this is a talk that aims to get you to have a peek at what the status is of our new source-code forge, what to expect, what’s still in progress and also have an opportunity to ask questions, give comments and help make it a better yet.
“Gitea onboarding for developers” by Arnd Marijnissen
Blender Conference 2022
2022-10-29 13:00 at the attic.