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Let’s Learn Blender!: Two-Sided Leaf Material
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Snake ground matching rig and animation in Blender
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BOOSTER PADS! (and dying in the woods)
Making a Game Cinematic in Blender
Blender Tutorial – Creating a Spiral of Fire
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Particles in Blender – Explosion VFX in Blender – part 02
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Range attack animation for game in Blender – timelapse
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Materializer the perfect addon for procedure materials textures and masks
Create and transfer cloth simulation to an animated character rig in Blender
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The secret of Normal maps in Blender 3 and 3D softwares
Mustaches with blender
Better Animations using Environment and Composition in Blender
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Tentacle rigging in Blender – Complex rig for complex animation
Everything about real time reflections and indirect lighting in Blender EEVEE
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Satisfying Sci-fi Animation with Geometry Nodes (Blender Tutorial)
Best and easiest way to rig your characters in blender
Spooky Glowing Eyes, animated VFX tutorial in Unity
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Fire VFX in Unity, amber, sparkles, turbulences, ashes particles
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Channel and Course updates
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How to Bake Metallic Maps in Blender (Tutorial)
Alive! Course release Q&A
Trident character Retopology and UVs timelapse in Blender
NOARA – Cinematic trailer made in Blender (English version)
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I REINVENTED IT (Blender Geometry Nodes)
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Octopus character Gameplay animation in Blender
Alive! teaser n°4 – Animation course in Blender
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Proper Playblast in Blender, Intro to SyncSketch and Critique advises
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Carved stone effect and projection mapping in Blender
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Animation fundamentals in Blender – Overlapping, Follow through and overshoot
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Skirt and dress Rigging in Blender
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Quaternion or Euler, understanding rotation in Blender
How to make blender addons part 3 – how to create anr addon ui panel and add it to the viewport
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the alluring ’Cream Factor’
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05 blender tips generate original uv seams of any mesh
Making a Photorealistic 3d Portrait (from scratch)
Heroes of the Storm, League of Legends, Giving access to animation – Interview with Lana Bachynski

CHAPTER 09 Announcement #shorts
the nisarga blender addon for trees, grass, flowers and everything in-between
Alive! chapter9 released! #shorts
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Fire VFX in Unity – Part 1 : main Flame
New author, New tutorial series, Black friday discount #shorts
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Animators MUST WATCH (you have no choice)
33 blender tips rendering more in your scenes
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Fire VFX, small flames and smoke particles and shader graph in Unity – part 2
New Online school, 50K subs and big discount
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04 blender tips fastest and easiest way to preview textures on your model
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13 blender tips how to use the translucent shader for spatecular effects
BlackFriday 2021 on P2design #shorts